Escape Game - Prison Break NOLA

Ready for one of the most thrilling hours of your life? The Escape Game’s 60-minutes adventures play like Hollywood blockbusters with twists, turns, and jaw-dropping surprises around every corner. Here’s how it works: You and your team will work together to find clues, overcome challenges, and ultimately complete a mission. Escaping will require teamwork, communication, wits, a sense of adventure, and most importantly: YOU!

Prison Break: The merciless warden will be in a meeting for 60 minutes...This is your time to escape!


Escape Game - Prison Break NOLA

233 North Peters St, New Orleans NY 70130

Open daily: 8:00am - 11:30pm

Reservations strongly recommended. Scan Pass at reception desk for admission.

Escape Game - Prison Break NOLA
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